
JiFile per Joomla!

JiFile è una componente per Joomla! che permette di indicizzare il contenuto dei file(PDF, DOC, ecc.) per poter effettuare delle ricerche al loro interno.

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iFile Framework

IFile è un framework open source scritto interamente in PHP, permette l'indicizzazione dei contenuti testuali di un documento (DOC, PDF, EXCEL, etc) e una rapida ricerca all'interno degli stessi.

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PDF - Empty Body 23/04/2013 09:45 #1166

  • Giampaolo
  • Avatar di Giampaolo
  • Administrator
  • Messaggi: 465
  • Ringraziamenti ricevuti 43
If the indexing of the PDF document return the message "Empty Body" or if the document is indexed and the search not return result, then you must read this topic.

If your problem is the "Empty body", you need to know that each document could have different encoding.

When you indexing one document (or N° documents) you must define encoding type to read this document and type encoding for convert this encoding in "Analyzer Encoding".

I'll explain:

If your "PDF" document is saved in ISO-8859-1 (or Windows 1252).

Now the XPDF, reads the content of the PDF file, of default in ISO-8859-1 (or Windows 1252 or Latin-1), and buffer this in ISO-8859-1 encoding.

Because the Analyzer is set in "UTF8_CaseInsensitive" (remember that this field should never be changed), JiFile must convert the buffered content ( ISO-8859-1) in UTF8. To do this, you must define encoding of the document in field "Encoding" in JiFile configuration.

If your "PDF" document is in another type of encoding (for exemple UTF8), you must configure the XPDF for read and buffer the content in this encoding. This is possible in file:


Warning: the "xpdfrc" file, should not have extension.

For more information read this document:

If the search not return result than for testing this problem, you can set the field "body" (in Configuration section on JiFile) as "Text".

Delete document that not works, and re-indexing. Now in "Detail" (image "plus" in the Index section), you can see the real content that has been indexed.

If your document is incomplete, then, you must see the "Encoding" configuration correct.

Remember that the "field body" as "Text" decreases the performance, but present the "Highlights" in the search on front end.
If the "field body" is "UnStored" the performance are very strong, but in front end search, present only the "IntroText" field.
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