
JiFile per Joomla!

JiFile è una componente per Joomla! che permette di indicizzare il contenuto dei file(PDF, DOC, ecc.) per poter effettuare delle ricerche al loro interno.

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iFile Framework

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Easy Language

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Article Book Effect

Article Book Effect
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Article Book Effect
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Benvenuto, Ospite
Nome utente: Password: Ricordami

ARGOMENTO: How to use in code?

How to use in code? 19/02/2013 00:45 #1009

I have my site with easy language installed and setuped. Also I have GCalendar component.
I want my event from Google Calendar shown in multilanguage. In Google Calendars I create event with {lang xx}{/lang} style. Now in GCalendar component if I open full calendar mode I see my {lang xx}{/lang}, but in upcoming event module events' titles shown normal (in few languages).
I found were title is generating for full calendar view (it is requested with ajax from option=com_gcalendar&view=jsonfeed&format=raw&gcid=2&Itemid=162&lang=...):
$eventData = array(
	'id' => $event->getGCalId(),
	'gcid' => $event->getParam('gcid'),
	'title' => htmlspecialchars_decode($event->getTitle()),
	'start' => $event->getStartDate()->format('c', true),
	'end' => $event->getEndDate()->format('c', true),
	'url' => JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_gcalendar&view=event&eventID='.$event->getGCalId().'&gcid='.$event->getParam('gcid').(empty($itemID)?'':$itemID)),
	'className' => "gcal-event_gccal_".$event->getParam('gcid'),
	'allDay' => $allDayEvent,
	'description' => $description
I tried to replace htmlspecialchars_decode($event->getTitle()) with JHTML::_('content.prepare', htmlspecialchars_decode($event->getTitle())) and make it like:
$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->text = htmlspecialchars_decode($event->getTitle());
$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
$results = $dispatcher->trigger( 'onContentPrepare', array( 'com_filer.filer', &$obj, &$params, 0 ) );
$title = $obj->text;
But nothing helps. By the way if I include another content plugin's tag such code is working well and renders $title as needed but not {lang xx}{/lang} tag.
Can you explane what I'm doing wrong?
L\'Amministratore ha disattivato l\'accesso in scrittura al pubblico.

How to use in code? 19/02/2013 16:24 #1011

Temporary fix it with dirty hack in jsonfeed view override, just put easy language plugin onAfterRender function and call it when populate event data (/templates/xxx/html/com_gcalendar/jsonfeed/default.php):
function easylang ( $text ) {
	$buffer = $text;
	if ( strpos( $buffer, '{lang' ) === false ) return $buffer;
	$lang_codes 	= JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('lang_code');
	$lang_code 	= $lang_codes[JFactory::getLanguage()->getTag()]->sef;
	$regex = "#{lang ".$lang_code."}(.*?){\/lang}#is";
	$regexTextarea = "#<textarea(.*?)>(.*?)<\/textarea>#is";
	$regexInput = "#<input(.*?)>#is";
	$matches = array();
	preg_match_all($regexTextarea, $buffer, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
	$textarea = array();
	foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
		if(strpos( $match[0], '{lang' ) !== false) {
			$textarea[$key] = $match[0];
			$buffer = str_replace($textarea[$key], '~^t'.$key.'~', $buffer);
	$matches = array();
	preg_match_all($regexInput, $buffer, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
	$input = array();
	foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
			(strpos( $match[0], 'type="password"' ) !== false || 
			strpos( $match[0], 'type="text"' ) !== false) && 
			strpos( $match[0], '{lang' ) !== false) {
			$input[$key] = $match[0];
			$buffer = str_replace($input[$key], '~^i'.$key.'~', $buffer);
	if (strpos( $buffer, '{lang' ) !== false) {
		$buffer = preg_replace($regex,'$1', $buffer);
		$regex = "#{lang [^}]+}.*?{\/lang}#is";
		$buffer = preg_replace($regex,'', $buffer);
		if ($textarea) {
			foreach ($textarea as $key => $t) {
				$buffer = str_replace('~^t'.$key.'~', $t, $buffer);
		if ($input) {
			foreach ($input as $key => $i) {
				$buffer = str_replace('~^i'.$key.'~', $i, $buffer);
	return $buffer;
'title' => easylang(htmlspecialchars_decode($event->getTitle()))
But how to fix this better?
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