
JiFile for Joomla!

JiFile is a component for Joomla! that allows you to index file contents (PDF, DOC, etc..) to perform searches in them.

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JoomPhoto Mobile

JoomPhoto Mobile is a component for Joomla! that allows you to share the photos from your Android device to your site Joomla.

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iFile Framework

IFile is an open source framework written entirely in PHP, allows the indexing of textual content of a document (DOC, PDF, EXCEL, etc.) and a quick search within them.

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Easy Language

Easy Language is a plugin for easy and immediate management of multilingual texts in every possible area of joomla, articles, components, modules, metadata, template, other components(example K2) etc.

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Article Book Effect

Article Book Effect
View Joomla articles with the effect turns the page of a book. This plugin will display the contents of an article in Joomla as a real book or magazine, using all the benefits of HTML5

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Passport photo

Passport photo
The most popular Android app that allows you to print photos cards for your documents with your Android smartphone, in a simple and intuitive way.

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Crazy Shadow

Crazy Shadow
Crazy Shadow is the 3D fast-paced and fun puzzle Android game! Try to rotate and drag shapes in the position of their shadows without fail! Solve in succession all combinations of levels of the game.

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Admin Countdown

Admin Countdown
Module for Joomla! 2.5 and 3.x displays in the administration part of the site, a timer with countdown of the time remaining in your session.

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The html2flex Frontal library manages all the common html tags, such as html, body, div, p, span, table, with great part of their attributes and style attributes.

Custom Tags

Customizing tags is an entry point in the Frontal project to extend its functionalities and the objects reusing.
Creating custom tags requires a few steps.
First of all it's necessary to create, into your flex project, the Flex Component that will handle your custom tag; to achieve that, your component must implement the Frontal interface ComponentInterface.

package it.ang.frontal.renderer.components.interfaces
  import it.ang.frontal.parser.Element;

  public interface ComponentInterface

    function set element(el:Element) : void;
    function get element() : Element;
    function createComponents() : void;


The methods set and get are used to let Frontal pass to your component the Element Object; this object represents the complete tag element with, eventualy, its nested children.
The createComponents method is invoked by Frontal to let to your component manage the content of your tag.

Here is an Example of custom component which renders the text 'Hello World'.

package custom
    import it.ang.frontal.parser.Element;
    import it.ang.frontal.renderer.components.interfaces.ComponentInterface;
    import mx.containers.Canvas;
    import mx.controls.Label;
    public class HelloWorldComponent extends Canvas implements ComponentInterface
        private var _element : Element;
        public function HelloWorldComponent() {
        public function set element(el:Element) : void {
            this._element = el;
        public function get element() : Element {
            return this._element;
        public function createComponents() : void {
            var label : Label = new Label();
            label.text = "Hello World";


The next step is to configure Frontal; that has to be done setting the static ApplicationContext property arrayConstantsClasses with a your class; this class must have three static property as in the example below.

package custom
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public class CustomProperties
        public static var tagNameElementTypeMap:Object = {
            "hello": 110
        public static var tagNameElementListTypeColl:ArrayCollection =
            new ArrayCollection(
        public static var objectFromElementType:Object = {
            110 : HelloWorldComponent


The tagNameElementTypeMap property is a map which links the name of the custom tag with a code important for the Frontal framework; these values have to be greater than 109, because the smaller ones are used by Frontal.

The tagNameElementListTypeColl property is a list of values which represent the corrisponding tags in the tagNameElementTypeMap map; this list is useful to inform Frontal to not analyze and render any child tag of the custom tag; for example, if the hello tag had one or more children, Frontal automatically tries to analyze and render them; if you don't want this behaviour, because it's in the HelloWorldComponent that you insert the creation of the children tags, you have to insert the hello tag code, that is 110, in this list.

The objectFromElementType propery is necessary to correlate the tag, represented by its code, and the Flex class that manages it.

The class with these properties just made, has to be inserted in the ApplicationContext as in the example below.

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"
        width="100%" height="100%" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
        creationComplete="init()" xmlns:components="it.ang.frontal.renderer.components.*">
    <mx:Style source="project/css/main.css"/>
            import it.ang.frontal.util.CommonUtils;
            import it.ang.frontal.modules.util.ApplicationContext;
            import custom.CustomProperties;
            public function init() : void {
                ApplicationContext.arrayConstantsClasses = [CustomProperties];
                ApplicationContext.getInstance().rootComponent = rootComponent;
                ApplicationContext.getInstance().invokeService("project/index.html", CommonUtils.getUrlParameters());
    <components:RootHtmlContainer id="rootComponent" width="100%" height="100%" />

Frontal introduces other custom components, as DataGrid and List; for this components refer to the documentation.

PHP Classes

by isApp.it

November 2013